2025 Alamo Educate and Innovate

avatar for Kacie L. Anderson

Kacie L. Anderson

I have spent my entire teaching experience in the Alamogordo Public School District and am finishing my 16th year of teaching. I have taught math for grades 7th to sophomore year at NMSU-A. I am not an expert but I am a borrower. I have taken things from previous trainings sessions, webinars, and book studies to try in my classroom. Most ideas BOMBED but a few have been a key component of my routine. I look forward to adding to my math toolbox and being surrounded by inspiring math people.
Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position MS Math Teacher
Location Holloman Middle School


avatar for Miguel Baca

Miguel Baca

Company Alamogordo Schools
Position CMS Principal


avatar for Linda Bird

Linda Bird

Teaching Math for most of my career, I love sharing ideas with other instructors! My Master's Degree was attained in collaboration with other teachers through the LIFT (Leadership Institute for Teachers) and MC2 at NMSU. Collaborating on strategies and Lesson Study are near and dear to my heart. Let's tackle some strategies and pedagogy together and both emerge as better educators for our students!
Company Holloman Middle School
Position Teacher
Location Holloman Middle School


avatar for Pede Casing

Pede Casing

Pede I. Casing, PhD in Mathematics Education is an Algebra II Teacher at Alamogordo High School, as well as statistician, tutor, and researcher. He has presented and published research papers at both national and international conferences. Notably, he received the Best Presenter Award at the 4th International Research and Education Conference (IREC) in New York City on July 1, 2024, and presented his innovative PEDE Model for teaching mathematics at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Conference in Chicago, Illinois on September 27, 2024. Committed to advancing mathematics... Read more
Company Alamogordo High School
Position Teacher
Location Alamogordo, NM


avatar for Kathleen Crinklaw

Kathleen Crinklaw

Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position Teacher
Location Holloman Middle School


avatar for Christine Duncan

Christine Duncan

Location North Elementary


avatar for Jennifer Enlow


avatar for Lydia French

Lydia French

Position Teacher
Location Alamogordo High School


avatar for Shelly Haddock

Shelly Haddock

Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position Teacher



Diana Hammond

Diana Hammond is the High School IEP Facilitator at AHS and a dedicated advocate for student success. With 25 years of experience in special education, she brings a deep passion for transition planning, helping students prepare for life beyond high school. Diana collaborates with educators, families, and community partners to ensure meaningful post-secondary opportunities for all students. Her expertise in IEPs, career readiness, and self-advocacy development makes her a valuable resource for both special and general education professionals.
Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position K-2 | 3-5 | 9-12
Location Alamogordo High School


avatar for Rachel Harris

Rachel Harris

I am a 5th grade teacher at Holloman Elementary with a mathematician focus. I have been with the district for 6 years teaching kinder thru fifth. I enjoy incorporating technology and student interests together to make the lesson more engaging and meaningful.
Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position 5th Grade Teacher


avatar for Brenda Holley

Brenda Holley

Company Alamogordo High School
Position High School Special Education Chair


avatar for David Holycross

David Holycross

Hi, I've been teaching 3rd-5th grade for quite awhile now.  I'm currently teaching 3rd grade for my 13th year...I've taught 5th for 7 years, 4th for 2 years, was the librarian/media specialist for 2 years in Arizona, and taught Navajos GED for 3 years for the Navajo tribe and with Northland Pioneer College. I have 2 kids- both are in high school.  We have 2 cats, 2 dogs, and fish (both inside in a tank and outside in a pond).  I love collecting stuff.  I'm also the pastor New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene on Scenic Drive in Alamogordo.
Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position 3rd Grade Teacher
Location Sierra Elementary


avatar for Jackie Holycross

Jackie Holycross

I have been teaching for 29 years.  The first 13 were on the Navajo Reservation followed by almost 17 here. My whole teaching career has been spent with alternative, at-risk, challenging students, and I would not have it any other way.  They are creative and interesting and resilient.  I am never bored. At home I wrangle my own two teenagers and try to find time to spend with my husband.  I love reading, learning new things, and meditating in nature. Life is an adventure!... Read more
Position English High School Teacher
Location Alamogordo High School


avatar for Erin Hoppes


avatar for Joelle Jaskolowski

Joelle Jaskolowski

Company Alamogordo Schools
Position Choir/Orchestra Teacher
Location CMS


avatar for Helma Kaiser

Helma Kaiser

German Language Teacher
Company Alamogordo Public School
Position German Language Teacher
Location Alamogordo,NM


avatar for Laura Kirkpatrick

Laura Kirkpatrick

I am currently in my 25th year of education, not including the ten years I stayed at home to be with my children which was THE best educational experience ever! I have taught elementary and middle school and have coached in both of those arenas now for 12 years. Helping teachers make an impact on their students is the best part of my job! ... Read more
Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position District Instructional Coach
Location Alamogordo Public Schools


avatar for Manny Klaassen

Manny Klaassen

Mrs. Klaassen is a trained Engineering and Technology educator with a passion for helping students develop into problem-solvers and critical thinkers. She has taught a variety of subjects, including Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA), Advanced Careers-Innovations in Science and Technology, as well as Business, Engineering, and Computer Literacy courses. In addition, Mrs. Klaassen has mentored and coached high school MESA, Robotics, and CyberPatriot extracurricular teams, leading them to qualify for state, regional, and national competitions.

Mrs. Klaassen has extensive experience wor... Read more
Company NM MESA, Inc.
Position Southeast Regional Coodinator


avatar for Jaime Knoedler

Jaime Knoedler

I teach grade 6 and 7 science at Holloman Middle School. I have a passion for ecology, exploration, and education. I enjoy learning about new ways to spice up my lessons and make them more engaging.
Company Holloman Middle School
Position Teacher
Location HMS


avatar for Candice Lansford

Candice Lansford

My name is Candice Lansford, and I am excited to introduce myself as a first-year Instructional Coach. With 14 years of teaching experience in middle school and 2 years in high school, all focused on science, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. I have a deep passion for learning and am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from all of you at this conference. Let's make this learning journey a memorable one!... Read more
Company Alamogordo School District
Position Instructional Coach
Location Alamogordo High School



Jessica Lopez

Jessica Lopez has been an experienced educator, facilitator, coach, and coordinator for the Alamogordo Public School District since 2012. Driven by her love for science, she has taken pride in providing the best facilitations possible for NMPED and West Ed’s Making Sense of Science courses since 2018. Last year, she took the role of Coordinator of Innovation and Instructional Technology and has worked to provide educators with the tools they need to help keep students engaged and learning.
Company Alamogordo


avatar for Darlene Mellen

Darlene Mellen

Position Biomedical Science Teacher
Location Alamogordo High School


avatar for Karen Middlebrooks

Karen Middlebrooks

Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position Principal
Location North Elementary


avatar for Karen Mitchell


avatar for Shay Newell


avatar for Mandy Owens


avatar for Maria Palma

Maria Palma

Maria is a dedicated J1 teacher in her 4th year of teaching special education Math at Alamogordo High School and serves as the advisor for TSA (Technology Student Association). She is passionate about personalized learning and utilizes technology to create engaging, student-centered classrooms. With a focus on empowering students, Maria blends traditional strategies with innovative digital tools and differentiated instruction, all while integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) to support the holistic development of her students.
Company Alamogordo High School
Position SPED-MATH Teacher


avatar for April Poole


avatar for Carrie Rowe

Carrie Rowe

Company Alamogordo Public Schools
Position Coordinator of Data and Assessment
Location District Office Bldg C


avatar for Kelli Ruiz


avatar for Brett Tedford


avatar for Kathy Wallis

Kathy Wallis

Company APS
Position CTE Teacher
Location AHS



2025 Alamo Educate and Innovate
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